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More to come as time advances, but this girl is stepping up her cooking game this year! I’m a farmer’s daughter who has planted before, but it has been a few years. My husband I just played in the dirt planting Roma tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, red bell  peppers, jalapeno peppers, oregano and cilantro. We still have some basil and cucumbers left to plant. I’m looking forward to fried green tomatoes, fresh salsa, sundried tomatoes and marinara made with home grown tomatoes! If you have never planted a garden, I can’t recommend it enough! It’s not just the effort, the vegetables truly taste like NOTHING you’ve had before!!! You just can get tomatoes, whether farm fresh or from the grocery store, that taste like home grown! There are so many uses that you can never have too many. You can make sundried tomatoes and marinara and freeze for later use.

Wow we made a mess though! And I’ve washed my hands 3 times and still have dirt under my nails. It will all be worth it though! I can just imagine how wonderful the marinara sauce will be!!! You know you’ll hear more from me about that!!!